The Winter Show - Catalogue Advertising

Ad Portal

Advertising Information


Strong attendance, excellent sales, corporate underwriting, and advertiser support have made The Winter Show America's leading art, antiques, and design fair for 71 years.

Join us in The Winter Show Catalogue and reach our carefully targeted audience —25,000 affluent buyers of luxury goods from the top echelons of industry, the arts, and the media. The official publication of the Show, the catalogue is distributed to all attendees.

To learn more about advertising opportunities, please contact:

Jill Bossert
Director, Advertising Sales
The Winter Show Catalogue

Contract & Rates
  • Ad Type Available
  • 2-Page Spread, Four Color $ 5175
  • Full Page, Four Color $ 3100
  • Half Page, Four Color $ 1915
  • [Vertical or Horizontal]
  • Preferred Placement $ 3600
  • [Limited Number, Four Color]
  • Second + Third Covers $ 6500

Download 2025 Ad Contract and Specs below to view Advertising Rates, Deadlines, Methods of Payment, Contract and Contact Information.

Exhibitors, please select Exhibitor Advertising Information on the menu below to download 2025 Exhibitor Ad Contract and Specs.


The Winter Show 2025 Catalogue Advertising Deadlines

  • September 30, 2024 Ad Space Reservation Deadline for a 10% Discount
  • November 12, 2024 Final Deadline for Ad Space Reservation
  • November 18, 2024 Deadline for Supplied Digital Files and Contract Proofs
  • November 27, 2024 Deadline for Online Ad Approval

The Winter Show 2025 Catalogue Exhibitor Advertising Deadlines

  • September 20, 2024 Deadline Digital Files and Contract Proofs
  • October 25, 2024 Deadline for Online Ad Approval
Advertising Requirements

Ad File Preparation Requirements

General Guidelines

Ensure that all images are a minimum of 300dpi at 100% of final placement size.

Convert all spot/special colors to four-color process.

Please provide CMYK files and images only.

Do not submit files in RGB, or files containing additional channels.

All Ad files should use Open Type fonts (OTF) or True Type Fonts (TTF).

Adobe is no longer supporting PostScript Type 1 fonts.

Native Application Files

QuarkXPress 2019 or higher, InDesign 2020 or higher ONLY.

When submitting native application files, we require all support images and fonts.

Flatten any transparency.

Do not menu-style fonts (i.e. by selecting italic in the style menu). Use the font variation instead.

Use the QuarkXPress “Collect for Output” feature, or the InDesign “Preflight” feature to ensure all page elements (images and fonts) are captured and included.

Package InDesign Files

We do not accept Illustrator, Photoshop, Pagemaker, or Microsoft Word Files.

PDF File Settings

High Quality Print with box checked (USE DOCUMENT BLEED SETTINGS) converted to CMYK.

Please note that PDF files have limited editing capability and our team may require native files if any changes must be made to your layout. We highly recommend submitting native files along with PDF files.

PDF Files are Not Acceptable as Color Proofs. It is recommended that a printer's proof be sent with your PDF file. Please see the Printer's Proof Section.


Run preflight software on file(s) whenever possible and provide the preflight report with all final digital files.

Naming and Compressing Files

The Ad File Name must include the name of the Advertiser (or a recognizable abbreviation) as below:


Do Not Name Your Ad File : “WS_AD” or any other name that does not include the Advertiser Name.

Please ensure that your file name does not contain any spaces (use_underscores_instead) or special characters.

Do not attempt to upload files with file names containing more than 27 characters, or containing the characters \, /, :, *, ?, <, >, or |.

Compress all files into one archive prior to transfer.

Files over 40 MB should be sent to via or other FTP file service, clearly identified with the Advertiser name and contact information.

Printer's Proof

We strongly suggest that a Printer's Proof be sent to our Catalogue Production Team to use to match the color in your Ad when it is printed.

Specify a GracoL 2013 Coated Grade 1 color reproduction specification for sheetfed offset lithography.

Proof MUST have a COLOR BAR showing READABLE Color Densities.

Send your Printer's Proof to:

Tomas Sokol
Group M
314 Catharine St, Suite 101
Philadelphia, PA 19147

Do not require a signature for priority shipments.

The Winter Show accepts no responsibility for accurate color reproduction if a Printer's Proof is not supplied with your files.

If you are not supplying a Printer's Proof, please include a dated and signed Printer's Proof Waiver to

Printer's Proof Suppliers

You can order a Printer's Proof online from

Mechanical Specifications
Space Unit Trim Bleed Non-bleed
2-page spread * 16.5 x 10.625” 16.75” x 10.875” 15.5” x 9.625”
Full page 8.25” x 10.625” 8.5” x 10.875” 7.25” x 9.625”
1/2 page horizontal 8.25” x 5.3125” 8.5” x 5.5625” 7.25” x 4.3125”
1/2 page vertical 4.125” x 10.625” 4.375” x 10.875” 3.625” x 9.625”

* 2-page Spread Ad Files should be prepared and submitted as Left and Right Pages. Not Spreads. File names should identify "L" and "R" in the file name.

Ad Placement

We cannot guarantee left or right page placement for Full Page Ads.
You may submit 2 versions of your Ad File. Name your files as Advertiser Name_ LEFT and Advertiser Name_RIGHT.
File names should identify "L" and "R" in the file name and be uploaded in a zipped folder.
Please notify m@group-m if you have uploaded both Right and Left page versions of your ad.

The Catalogue is printed sheetfed offset, perfect bound, and jogs to the head.

Bleed: Add 1/8” on all sides for bleed outside of trim.

Keep live matter 1⁄2” from trim, head, foot, and sides.


Please select the Exhibitor Advertising Information page on the menu below to access the 2025 Winter Show Exhibitor Advertising Size Requirements.

The Winter Show Catalogue Design & Production Team

The Winter Show catalogue design firm is Group M.
If you require design services, please contact Anita Basie or Tomas Sokol at 215-546-1995.

Send all Advertising and Production Materials, Proof, a copy of your Contract to:

Tomas Sokol
Group M
314 Catharine St, Suite 101
Philadelphia, PA 19147

Do not require a signature for priority shipments.

Production Questions?

Anita Bassie
Group M

  1. FULL PAYMENT and completed signed contract are required when advertising materials are sent.
  2. Materials must be submitted as digital files. Please see the Ad File Preparation Requirements for details.
  3. Ad position is at the discretion of The Winter Show.
  4. It is recommended that an Printer's Proof be submitted with your Ad files.

    Additional charges may apply for ads submitted without a Printer's Proof. The Winter Show accepts no responsibility for accurate color reproduction if a press proof is not supplied with your files. Please see the Advertising Specifications Page, Contract Proofing Section for more information.

  5. All materials must conform to Ad File Preparation Requirements. Additional charges will apply for non-conforming materials.
  6. Original Material: Advertising materials are not returned unless requested by advertiser. Advertiser must pay all shipping costs for advertising material returns. The Winter Show and its vendors are not responsible for original material. Please send only duplicate imagery.

    Advertiser is solely responsible for copyright and usage rights of all logos, photos and illustrations.
    Advertising materials are discarded one year from catalogue publication.

  7. Deadline for Ad Space Reservation for Special Discount: September 30, 2024

    Deadline for Ad Space Reservation Regular Rates: November 12, 2024

    Deadline for Supplied Digital Files and Contract Proofs: November 18, 2024

    Deadline for On-line Ad Approval: November 27, 2024

  8. Exhibitor Deadline for Supplied Digital Files and Contract Proofs: September 30, 2024

    Exhibitor Deadline for On-line Ad Approval: October 25, 2024

  9. All information must be specified herein; verbal agreements cannot be recognized.
File Submission Instructions

Submit Ad Digital Materials: The Winter Show Online Ad Portal

Please submit digital files as specified below.

Please send a physical Printer's Proof to Group M for all ads that are submitted electronically. See the Advertising Specifications Page, Printer's Proof Section for more information

Files over 40 MB should be sent to via or other FTP file service, clearly identified with the Advertiser name and contact information.

Registration and File Uploading

  1. Navigate to or select the Ad Portal Tab above.

    All users must REGISTER anew each year. Please complete the Registration Form

    Your username will be your email address. You will receive an email notification requiring your registration confirmation and a link to log in and upload your files.

    The password is: wintershow (case sensitive).

  2. After registering, you can LOG IN or navigation to or select the Ad Portal Tab above.
  3. Select the UPLOAD link.
  4. An upload form will appear. Select CHOOSE FILES. Browse your desktop and select your zipped Ad Files. Select the Upload button.
  5. Once your file has been successfully uploaded, please send an email to with confirmation of the final file name, transfer date/time, and delivery date of your Printer's Proof.

Ad Approval Process

  1. An email notification indicating that your Ad is ready for approval will be sent to your username/email address.

    The email will be titled: Advertiser Name – Winter Show Advertising: Ad Proof Available.

    Please monitor your email and respond as soon as possible.

  2. Select the link supplied in your email notification and you will be directed to your Ad Approval page.
  3. Select your Ad and review it carefully.

    When you approve the Ad, please enter your name and state that you have approved the Ad in the Comments area. You will receive an Ad Approval email notification. Process complete! If you reject the Ad, please enter your name and state that you have rejected the Ad, providing your reason(s) in the Comments area. Submit new files with a new file name (version#).

  4. Ad Approval Deadline:
    All Ads must be approved by your designated contact by November 27, 2024.
    Exhibitors, please see Exhibitor Deadlines.

    Ads not approved by the deadline will be approved by the Catalogue Production Team on your behalf. The Catalogue Production Team is not responsible for any errors, omissions, correct image usage, or color reproduction quality. (See Terms and disclaimer.)

Exhibitor Advertising Information

Exhibitor Advertising Rates & Contracts and Advertising Specifications are available for download at the bottom of this page. Please follow the online Advertising Specifications and the instructions for Submitting Files.

Exhibitor Advertising Size Requirements
2-page spread* 16.5” x 10.625” 16.75” x 10.875” 15.5” x 9.625”
Full page 8.25” x 10.625” 8.5” x 10.875” 7.25” x 9.625”

* 2-page Spread Ad Files should be prepared and submitted as Left and Right Pages. (Not Spreads) File names should identify “L” and “R” in the file name.

We cannot guarantee left or right page placement for Full Page Ads.
You may submit 2 versions of your Ad File. Name your files as Advertiser Name_ LEFT and Advertiser Name_RIGHT.
File names should identify "L" and "R" in the file name and be uploaded in a zipped folder.
Please notify m@group-m if you have uploaded both Right and Left page versions of your ad.

The Catalogue is printed sheetfed offset, perfect bound, and jogs to the head.

Bleed: Add 1/8” on all sides for bleed outside of trim.

Keep live matter 1⁄2” from trim, head, foot, and sides.

Ad Approval Deadline: All Ads must be approved by your designated contact by October 25, 2024.

Ads not approved by the deadline will be approved by the Catalogue Production Team on your behalf. The Catalogue Production Team is not responsible for any errors, omissions, correct image usage, or color reproduction quality.

Download 2025 Exhibitor Contract and Specs
Winter Show Catalogue Contact

The Winter Show Catalogue Design & Production Team

The Winter Show catalogue design firm is Group M.
If you require design services, please contact Anita Basie or Tomas Sokol at 215-546-1995.

Production or Design Questions?

Anita Bassie
Group M

Send all Advertising and Production Materials, Proof, a copy of your Contract to:

Tomas Sokol
Group M
314 Catharine St, Suite 101
Philadelphia, PA 19147

Do not require a signature for priority shipments.